TASS2024 Biogas: A Green Transformation from Waste to Energy

According to a report by Fortune Business Insights, the global biogas market reached a size of USD 48.74 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow to USD 78.32 billion by 2032, with a compound annual growth rate of 5.50% during the forecast period.

In response to the global trend toward net-zero carbon emissions, Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs has previously promoted high-efficiency biogas demonstration sites and anaerobic fermentation experiments. Through collaboration with energy service companies and biogas-related industries, valuable experience has been accumulated. By connecting the industrial chain, this initiative aims to foster collaboration among various sectors, including public associations, system integrators, energy service companies, and site owners, to further advance the development of Taiwan’s biogas power generation industry.

To reduce industrial wastewater and sludge while increasing renewable energy production, Taiwan is actively promoting the development of the biogas power generation industry and encouraging more businesses to enter the field. In March of this year, the Ministry of Economic Affairs completed the review of the 2024 Renewable Energy Purchase Rates and Calculation Formula, with the feed-in tariff for biogas power generation through anaerobic digestion equipment has been raised to NT$7.0192 per kilowatt-hour. The Ministry of Environment plans to expand the promotion of anaerobic treatment and biogas reuse measures, extending beyond the existing livestock industry to include approximately 1,064 businesses across four major sectors: petrochemicals, papermaking, food manufacturing, and fermentation industries.

The Ministry of Environment estimated that by improving wastewater recovery efficiency and utilizing renewable energy in these sectors, combined with biogas power generation, these sectors could generate 160 million kWh of electricity annually, sufficient to power 41,000 households, save 84 million kilowatt-hours of electricity (equivalent to the consumption of 20,000 households), and achieve a carbon reduction of 41,000 metric tons. The Ministry of Environment further highlighted that, in addition to providing subsidies for initial setup costs, recovering biogas for power generation could also generate carbon credits, encouraging more businesses to participate in achieving carbon reduction and resource recycling goals.

Biogas power generation is not a new concept. Research on biogas power generation technology began in the 1950s, following the first oil crisis in 1973, global attention turned to renewable energy, including biogas power generation. Biogas is a type of biomass energy created through the anaerobic decomposition and fermentation of organic waste. The biogas obtained from anaerobic fermentation typically consists of 50-65% methane and 30-45% carbon dioxide. The gas undergoes biological desulfurization to remove hydrogen sulfide. Once the hydrogen sulfide is removed, the methane is burned in generators to produce electricity, thus generating green biomass energy. Taiwan produces approximately 6.22 million tons of organic resources annually, including food waste, organic sludge, and agricultural waste. Biogas energy technology effectively addresses issues such as odors and greenhouse gas emissions caused by open-air disposal of valuable organic waste, while simultaneously producing valuable green energy to meet industrial needs.

Since 1991, Taiwan has been developing biogas power generation , and after years of technological accumulation, the technology has now reached a mature stage. The key to success lies in effectively integrating the upstream and downstream supply chains to better enter the market. However, many large international companies have already vertically integrated their supply chains, making it challenging for component suppliers to enter these supply chains. Therefore, Taiwan can leverage its unique characteristics and address localized needs in Southeast Asia to strategically enter niche markets.

Source: Energy Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs /  Industrial Development Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs /  Industrial Development Bureau Pingtung County Governmen / Renewable Energy Promotion Office / Materialsnet / Central News Agency / Taiwan Panorama / Fortune Business Insights

As global attention to net-zero carbon emissions continues to rise, Taiwan’s biogas power generation industry is poised for new opportunities. TASS2024 provides a valuable platform for advancing discussions on renewable energy sources, fostering industry collaboration, creating new business opportunities, and injecting fresh vitality into Taiwan’s renewable energy industry.

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