Ready for the Europe’s border tax started in 2026?

Ready for the Europe’s border tax started in 2026?

TASS2023 is the platform to help you "towards zero net emissions".

 On April 18th, the European Union’ Parliament approved legislation to levy a carbon tax on high-carbon products imported into Europe. The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) will officially become a law, making it the first time that climate regulations have been incorporated into global trade rules.

This leading global legislation by the EU will gradually impose taxes on high-carbon goods imported into the EU starting in 2026. The categories initially targeted include steel, cement, aluminum, fertilizers, electricity, hydrogen, and downstream steel-related products such as screws and bolts. Starting in 2026, the free quotas for companies will be gradually eliminated, and by 2034, European manufacturers will no longer have free carbon rights.

The EU carbon price was 94 euros per tonne on April 18th, almost triple its value since early 2020, when it was only 33 euros per tonne. In February, it even reached over 100 euros per tonne. Facing the upcoming EU carbon border tax, the European Commission will authorize several companies to verify the carbon emissions data of foreign manufacturers.

The implementation of the EU carbon border tax will affect global trade development. “TASS2023 Asian Sustainable Supply + Circular Economy Expo” is a professional exhibition platform for mutual communication between the private sector and industries. It integrates innovative ideas for zero net emissions, provides integrated solutions for sustainable supply and circular economy, connects the upstream and downstream supply chain cooperation, creates business opportunities for enterprises, and promotes sustainable development. Facing the challenge of the EU carbon border tax, TASS2023 will work with you to “towards zero net emissions”.